Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 8

It's "Open Day"!

At 9:30 we all headed to the school to start welcoming parents. The school was beautifully decorated with student work. I was in charge of greeting parents who came up to the second floor and just be polite overall. At 10:30 the kindergarten classes went to the concert hall and performed their dances and songs. This was absolutely precious! These were the 3 and 4 year olds who were dancing and singing at this point. Later at 10:45 there was a Latin dance performance on the ground floor which was very neat. I'm glad I got to watch that. The students looked so dedicated to their work, it was very cool. After that there was another singing performance in the concert hall by the primary students; some of these students are in my class!
This segment started with three students doing a kung-fu dance with a fake sword and a pole as they were dressed in kimones. At the end of the performance I went up to one of my students to say hello and as I was leaving she gave me a hug and said "Goodbye Ms.Maddy" and introduced me to her dad which made me really happy. The kids in my class are so sweet! I'm going to love working with them.

Once Open Day was over, one of the teachers offered to take us to another Open Day at another school. We all thought this would be a great opportunity to see a different school in the area so we went with her. This school was also a government funded private school, however the students did not wear uniforms unlike at our school. Also, the smaller the classes are, the more money the government would give the shcool. I thought that was really smart! Especially since the government just took the cap off the size of classes back home.

When we got home, I fell asleep. I was cold, sore, and (as usual) exhausted. I tried to sleep for an hour but the construction next door kept me up. At least I got to lay down and jsut have some down time.
When I was finally rested, I got to work on my professional growth plan and finished that and emailed it to my field supervisor.

After finishing my school work, my roommate and I made our first home cooked meal in the apartment! We made penne pasta with broccoli and spinach, topped with olive oil, parmsean cheese, and alfredo sauce. It wasn't half bad! We ate dinner while watching Bennjamin Button on our TV now that we have access to the English channels =D. Ahh the simple pleasures in life! Being able to watch a show at the end of the day in definitely relaxing.

Enjoy your evening or morning depending where your are reading this from!

1 comment:

  1. Mommy and I enjoyed reading your update over a cup of coffee this morning. We especiallhy enjoyed your comments on class sizes! Glad you are getting settled in, sounds like you are having a fabulous time! Love, Mom & Dad
