Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 23

Week 3

And the teaching continues!

I think this is the first day every single one of my students is here for the whole day. I'm a little surprised at this actually. I think I forgot to mention it in an earlier blog, but at one point last week six of my students went home sick throughout the day! It was so bad they moved my class to the library and sanitized the room. Thankfully I did not get sick!

Today I taught an English game with one of my co-teachers. Since the students were starting a new chapter called "what's in my bag". I had planned an activity where I show them things in a school bag and talk about what they are and then show them things in MY bag and talk about what they are. For the purpose of this class, I created a Venn Diagram for the students to use as they talk in pairs about what is in their school bag.  However, when this lesson started, my co-teacher took over and didn't actually let me teach the lesson I had planned until the students already had their Venn Diagram sheet. When he handed it over to me I did my best to teach what I planned, and it worked slightly. My students were interested to see what I items I brought from my bag, and were especially interested when I pulled out a picture of my boyfriend and me. One of the boys asked if he was my dad which I had to chuckle at.

By the end of the lesson, my students had still not been able to complete the Venn Diagram because they were unable to focus which made me feel extremely defeated. I still tried to find what went well and what I can improve on, not only what went wrong. In this lesson what went well was grabbing their attention by pulling items out of my bag, reminding them that I will call on them if they are quiet, and writing a sample Venn Diagram for them.